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November, 2003

  1. Picture of Oakhurst

    November 18, 2003 by Naomi Redding

    Since I’ve never been to Oakhurst, I thought I’d look it up online before Thanksgiving. Here’s a picture of Yosemite which I understand is near Oakhurst:

  2. Hello!

    November 18, 2003 by Naomi Redding

    I’ve been learning some good lessons lately. Speifically, even when life is tough or things are hard you can’t give up. Today in my International Financial Management course we are learning about transfer rates between parent corporations and their subsidiaries. There are many steps to complete a typical problem and I’ve been having a hard time getting my math to yield the correct answer. It’s pretty aggrevating. BUT: I realized that even when I am most frustrated the thing I need to do is to
    * remember that I can do it. It’s not impossible
    * I can try to learn the material. I will not give up.
    * I am glad that there are only a few more weeks of this course and I am glad that I don’t have to go into international finance.

    Other than this difficult class, life is going quite well for me. I am totally in love and happy with Mike. We had a great weekend and he is so considerate! Beta Gamma Sigma is having our initiation this Wednesday. I think that should go well… Gabe’s talk is scheduled and I need to finalize our order with Bon Appetit catering. We’re within our budget.

    I have a Chai Latte here which always reminds me of liquid holidays–I love it. It’s a little bit spicy but not too strong. I’m really looking forward to seeing my sibs this Thanksgiving. In spite of this class, I have very much to be grateful for.

  3. engagement pictures!

    November 3, 2003 by Naomi Redding

    At last! Mike and I got engaged [on September 7th, 2003] (and I got the pictures!) I am so entirely happy now…

    WOW!!! Check out that diamond!!!!!!!

  4. Hi

    November 3, 2003 by Naomi Redding

    Our Halloween party was fun. We had a live band and they were …good. Not really my kind of music but they were quite into it. We got the house pretty much put back together on Sunday. That is to say, we vacuumed, etc.
    This week looks like it’s shaping up to be quite busy. Today I have three more events: ASUOP Senate meeting, bellydancing (ah, a fun one), group project meeting.
    Today I gave a speech on Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. My class loved it. I like giving speeches (particularly about things I love, such as premium ice cream). You probably already know that this is a wonderful company but I love that their mission statement includes the phrase ‘euphoric concoctions,’ among other things.

    Have a great DAY, from Naomi McVEY